Advanced Solana trending algorithm on Telegram with cutting edge tracking tools. Pioneered by traders and partnered with

Advanced Public Solana Trending Algo

• Top 10 Trending
• Token Address
• Market Cap
• Dex Paid Check
• CTO Check
• Token Socials
• Notable Holders
• GMGN + Dex Links
• Token Updates
• Stats Command

Premium Trending & Tracking Tool Kits

• Everything +
• Organic + 15s Faster
• Influencer Wallet Swaps
• Sentiment Bot
• Detection Filters
• Volume Data
• Holders Data
• Notable Holders Listed
• Trading Bot User Data
• Snipers Map + Data
• Creator Data
• Similar Tokens Listed
• Multiple Buy Links

Fast-Track Tokens & Advertise Links

• List Tokens To 9000+ Users
• Guaranteed Top 10 Trending
• Token Updates
• Twitter Post 10X & Above
• Custom Hyperlink Promotion

Seekr Simply Explained

Have a read over the process descriptions to get more familiar with how Seekr works. Read over our manual for a full guide.
Seekr Trending VS Seekr Pro

Seekr Trending is a free Telegram tool that helps users discover trending tokens on Solana. We support community growth through advertisements and provide a public chat for discussions. Seekr Pro is a private group offering faster, organic trending information, featuring 10x the data and a collection of cutting edge tracking tools.

Trending Algorithm

The bot runs through basic security features such as developer and insider percentage; following fund sources and matching transfer times to cancel out bundles and rugs. Relies on an advanced ratio of bot holders : other holders, meaning it checks how many of the top 100 holders are using trading platforms such as BullX, Photon, Trojan, etc. The bot also manages specific data parameters such as price action, volume requirements, and market cap.

Fast-Track & Advertise

Users are given an option to signal their token into trending alerts, and can have it held in our top 10 trending list for the selected time slot. Users are as well given the option to advertise a link involving a bot, site, or referral code; allowing it to be listen on every trending call for the span of 24 hours.


$3000+ Worth Given Away
9000+ Users
Used By influencers

Seekr has continued to grow, help, and profit the community greatly for both beginners and advanced traders. Unbelievable support since the start of the project. Seekr continues to grow and welcome anyone who wants to join.

Best Tracking Data

Advanced API Providers
35+ Influencer Wallets
Private Group Info

We definitely don't lack when it comes to providing our users the top notch tracking data you can get. We feature tools and token data rarely any other group has. This information also allows us to get an edge on our trending algorithm, and advanced ways to cross out bundles.

Chats & Stats Command

Public Chat
Private Chat
Stats Command

Whether you're in our public or private group, users can talk amongst each other to see what's going on in the scene, or decipher if a call from the bot is worth aping. We have a strong family and don't support egos. Feel free to also check out our stats command which will calculate differently dependent on if you're subscribed to pro or not.

Manual for beginners


We provide a well detailed guide for users who are new or need a refresher on how our bots and tools work. Check out the link at the top of the screen to learn how to navigate Seekr correctly.

Answers For Your Questions

Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our admins, or message in our support chat if you aren't sure.
Is There A Token Or Sniper Bot?
Who Founded Seekr?
How Much Are Pro & Fast-Track Options?
How Do The Payment Systems Work?
Can I Auto-Trade Seekr Calls?
How Many Admins Are There?

Collab With Us

We offer a hand-in-hand opportunity for big names in the scene. Please fill out the application provided to be eligible for collaboration.

• Lifetime Pro Membership
• Promotions

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